mould cleaning is utmost essential
Condensation and mould are common problems in today's modern houses. Both landlords and tenants have to take steps to control it. If left untreated there is the risk of mould spores getting into the atmosphere and an increase in house dust mites. Both can be potentially hazardous to health.
Rising damp treatment
Over recent years the drive to make houses more energy efficient through reducing drafts, double glazing, cavity wall and loft insulation means normal ventilation in properties is restricted. This has resulted in increased occurrences of condensation and mould in properties. When clothing is dried in the home the moisture increases.
Rising damp treatment
Over recent years the drive to make houses more energy efficient through reducing drafts, double glazing, cavity wall and loft insulation means normal ventilation in properties is restricted. This has resulted in increased occurrences of condensation and mould in properties. When clothing is dried in the home the moisture increases.

If there is condensation and mould growth in a room it is a sign that the room is not being adequately heated and ventilated. mould cleaning services includes cleaning of clothes and ensuring whether they are not dried indoors on radiators or clothes racks.Clothes driers should be vented to the outside either through a wall vent or a hose through the window.When cooking keep lids on saucepans. Keep kitchen doors closed and windows open. If there is an extractor fan use it.Don't use liquid paraffin or bottled gas room heaters. These produce 8 pints of water vapour for every gallon of fuel burned. This will turn to moisture on windows and walls.In bathrooms it is possible to reduce steam by running cold water into a bath first. Open windows and keep them open for about an hour after using the bathroom. If there is an extractor fan use it. Keep the bathroom door shut to ensure no steam goes into the rest of the property.Open windows and ventilate the property. Wipe the windows so they are free of condensation or any potential mouldgrowth.Keep the whole house at a constant temperature. When at work run the heating for at least 3 hours in the morning and in the evening. If the tenant is home all day the heating should be run all day. In extremely cold weather keep the heating on all the time on a low level even when not at home.
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